Event box
EN 1311, Rhetoric and Composition, Sections L - Crosswhite - Katie
Form Name: Library Instruction Request Form
Submitted: Aug 30, 2024 12:29 PM
Submission ID: 17400388
Report link: https://stmarytx.libwizard.com/forms/reports/9b40785afeaade7d95947fa015cc1f13
Course Instructor's Name:
Jamie Crosswhite
Course Instructor Email:
When is the best time to reach you about the session? :
Please provide the Course Number, Course Title and Course Sections.*Note: If course sections are not on the same day, please complete another request.:
EN 1311, Rhetoric and Composition, Sections K and L
Session Date and Time:
10/29/2024 12:35 pm
Where will the class meet?*Please include reservation information if the session will take place in another location outside of your usual location.:
We can meet in our classroom or the library; whichever you think works best
How long will the session be?:
the class periods 12:35-1:50 and 2:00-3:15
Number of students anticipated:
Which Librarian would you like to lead instruction?:
Katie Thonen
What citation style are you asking your students to use?:
If a copy of the assignment is not available please briefly describe the assignment below.:
I would like students to be introduced to library resources, specifically how to access and navigate secondary sources and databases. They will be required to find 5 secondary sources on their chosen topic.
What skills do you expect the Librarian to teach during the session?:
Search strategy/infoseeking, Evaluating Sources, Bibliographic/Citation assistance
What is the topic students will be searching?:
Ethnographic study of a place/culture of their choosing. Preferably a place they can visit and walk through here in San Antonio or the region.
Please provide a copy of your course's syllabus.:
What do you want students to be able to do by the end of the session? (Desired Learning Outcomes):
I would like students to be able to navigate library resources, and find secondary sources (including one database source) related to their topic.
- Date:
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 3:15pm
- Time Zone:
- Central Time - US & Canada (change)