Event box
CM 3322 & CM 3323 - Diane
Course Instructor's Name:
Kathe Lehman-Meyer
Please provide the Course Number, Course Title and Course Sections.*Note: If course sections are not on the same day, please complete another request.:
CM3322/CM3322 Media Writing and Reporting I & II
Session Date and Time:
02/10/2025 03:15 pm
Where will the class meet?*Please include reservation information if the session will take place in another location outside of your usual location.:
Charles Francis Room 19
How long will the session be?:
45 minutes to an hour
Number of students anticipated:
Which Librarian would you like to lead instruction?:
Diane Duesterhoeft
What citation style are you asking your students to use?:
If a copy of the assignment is not available please briefly describe the assignment below.:
I would like to have you show the students how to access newspapers and other sources helpful for journalists like the AP Style guide.
What skills do you expect the Librarian to teach during the session?:
Brainstorming sources of information, Search strategy/infoseeking
What is the topic students will be searching?:
They will be writing news stories on a variety of topics in a variety of formats.
Please provide a copy of your course's syllabus.:
What do you want students to be able to do by the end of the session? (Desired Learning Outcomes):
I want them to use the library databases to help their story research and access newspaper information.
Related LibGuide: Communication Studies Resources by Diane Duesterhoeft
- Date:
- Monday, February 10, 2025
- Time:
- 3:15pm - 4:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Central Time - US & Canada (change)