Event box

BA 1302 D Principles of Business II - Walsh - Katie

Course Instructor's Name:
Laura Walsh

Please provide the Course Number, Course Title and Course Sections.*Note: If course sections are not on the same day, please complete another request.:
BA 1302 D Principles of Business II

Session Date and Time:
02/19/2025 12:20 pm

Where will the class meet?*Please include reservation information if the session will take place in another location outside of your usual location.:
Greehey School of Business - ALK 102

How long will the session be?:
One hour. If more time is needed it could run one hour and 15 minutes.

Number of students anticipated:

Which Librarian would you like to lead instruction?:
Katie Thonen

Please upload a copy of the assignment for the Librarian.:

What citation style are you asking your students to use?:

What skills do you expect the Librarian to teach during the session?:
Defining/narrowing a Topic, Search strategy/infoseeking, Evaluating Sources, Bibliographic/Citation assistance

What is the topic students will be searching?:
They will each be giving a presentation on the mission and service offered by a nonprofit of their choice. I hope they will select one whose mission and purpose is something the student fees strongly about. The organization they select can be local, regional, national, or even international.

Please provide a copy of your course's syllabus.:

What do you want students to be able to do by the end of the session? (Desired Learning Outcomes):
Understand the thought process and steps in conducting research using existing information sources. Gain an understanding of what resources are available to them via the St. Mary's library system. Encourage them to go beyond a Google search when looking for research information. Help students be able to identify research content that is credible, accurate and targeted. Understand how to use the MLA style when citing their sources.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
12:20pm - 1:20pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Katie Thonen

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